Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lars Ulrich Talks Orion Fest

Scott Cronick of Atlantic City Insiders recently conducted an interview withMETALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

Atlantic City Insiders: Why did you pick Atlantic City as a site for your first music festival?

Lars: We always knew we wanted to be in that zip code — right around your neighborhood — between New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and D.C. We wanted to do it in a place where it would be convenient for people to come from the West Coast or Europe in terms of airport access. Music history is loaded with horror stories about music festivals and events taking place on somebody's farm 90 minutes from a freeway and you have to fight cattle on a one-way road. So we didn't want that. When. A.C. came up, we jumped on it because we wanted the experience to be pleasant. There's access. There's hotel rooms. It's a logical place to do it.

Atlantic City InsidersMETALLICA has been around for more than 30 years. Why now?

Lars: We've wanted to do it for years. Call us ignorant or crazy or dreamers or whatever but it's an idea we've been floating around for about four years. Since we did Bonnaroo in 2008, we felt like we've been doing these things in Europe and all over with diverse lineups for 25 years … and we felt we could do something like that here by ourselves and that we could make it fun. So when we decided to do it, we looked for people we can trust and work with to protect our vision and keep it pure and about the music and experience and the musician's lifestyle. It's not about commerce and $9 water bottles and all that other bullshit.

Atlantic City Insiders: What will be the best part of this whole weekend for you?

Lars: Since we are the hosts of this thing, we are all hanging around. It's not like we are rolling in a stretch limo 20 minutes before we go on. We are going to be there and partake and hang and listen to music and take in the whole thing. I look forward to that side of it. We are so used to going from one place to another to show up and play and leave. I look to loitering. There are going to be a f-k load of cool people in A.C. that weekend. That's the cool part.

Read the entire interview from Atlantic City Insiders.

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